Who are we?
We're a group of students who love science, technology and tinkering. In our spare time we work on projects like the Speaking Radar app.
Speaking Radar

What is the intention of this App?
The Speaking Radar is an iOS App aimed for visually impaired people. It can tell you what points of interest are around you by reading them aloud. The app is controlled intuitively by swiping and tapping. The goal of this app is to help visually impaired people find interesting locations around them.
The intention of this App is not to be used for navigation directly, but to provide useful and interesting information about your surroundings.
How it works
Using the GPS location and the compass data from your phone, the app lets you look around and tells you the interesting locations in a certaine direction. The points of interest are loaded from the GooglePlaces API.
Daniel Stalder
Student BSc Computational Science and Engineering dstalder@student.ethz.ch
Lukas Bühler
Student BSc Computational Science and Engineering contact@lukasbuehler.ch
Lukas Reitemeier
Student BSc Mechanical Engineering lukas@reitemeier.ch